Hanjiadian Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Ding Wenjiang (1930, in 1947) proposed the Hanjiadian Shale. The type section is located near Hanjiadian Village by the roadside from Songkan to Qijiang, 5 km north of the Tongzi County seat.
Synonym: (韩家店组); Hanchiatien Fm. Xiushan Fm (see Age)
Lithology and Thickness
The Hanjiadian Fm is dominated by grey green, yellow grey and blue grey mudstone and silty mudstone. Lower part, about 80 m thick, consists of yellow green and blue grey mudstone with rare fossils. Middle and Upper parts, 237 m in thickness, are composed of grey green, blue grey and yellow green mudstone and siltstone. With purplish red shale of 8 m in thickness at their base and show gradually increasing sandy and silty components towards their top.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Hanjiadian Fm rests conformably on the underlying Shiniulan Fm
Upper contact
It contacts disconformably to the overlying Liangshan Fm of the Permian. Regionally, the next younger unit is the mid-Devonian Wudang Fm.
Regional extent
The formation is mainly exposed in north Guizhou and south Sichuan.
Seldom horizons of the formation are fossil-bearing; some finds include brachiopods Spirigerina, Isorthis, Striispirifer, Nalivkinia, Nucleospira, etc., trilobite Encrinuroides, Latiproetus, chitinozoa Ancyrochitina brevicollis, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information